Merry Thursday #mcpop people!
We have a nice collection this week to make your curriclum pop. Hopefully, folks have been able to check the resources in our NEW Learning Science /SEL group I shared yesterday!
That said, what's shakin' this week? Here's a sampler ...
DOC/EXHIBIT: Keith Haring & The Chicago [Public Schools] MuralSaw a section of ‘The Chicago Mural’ @ChiCulturCenter today. @wttw did a brilliant documentary on this inspirational collaboration with the city & @ChiPubSchools in ‘89. Watch below! #artsed #mcpop
— Ryan R. Goble Ed.D. (@_mindblue_) August 26, 2018
Also, the usual (plus one NEW) reminders...
1.Consider retweeting some of the resources shared here at MC POP by following the Mindblue twitter feed. I tweet stuff from our broadcasts and re-tweet resources from other folks that falls under our #MCPs hashtag. A lot of the stuff shared there is worthy of group discussion posts here at MC POP, and some of them have been added to special interest groups but, alas, there are only so many hours in a day. Twitter is the fastest way to share.
2. If you have a question you want broadcast on a Crowdsource Tuesday you can always CLICK HERE to find out how to best post a question for our 9,500+ members to consider!
3. If you know of a cool website, resource, article or have a project to share - please use the group discussion forums to hip us to things that "make curriculum pop." Everyone loves to hear what you're using/doing. Sharing these things is what makes MC POP a rich and dynamic social network.
4. BLOGGING IN SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS is something anyone here at MC POP can do. Stergios Botzakis and Aussie blogger Susan Stephenson are great models. While they actually run their own blogs you don't need to have a standing online publication; you can simply develop your ideas or share your work in one of the special interest group discussion forums and, if it is showcase worthy, I'll share it on a Blog & Cog Monday!
5. You can join special interest groups to get in on the day-to-day resources and discussion here at MC POP. After you click on a group the upper right hand corner has a little "+ JOIN GROUP X" option. Click on that and you're a part of the club!
6. NEW! If you haven't had a chance to check out the #MCPOP book or have and really enjoy it, you can pick it up at Amazon or write a review there. You can also ⬇️download ⬇️ an execllent (and totes free) PLC study guide and example Learning Experience Organizers (LEOs) filled out by students from Free Spirit Press HERE.
Thanks, as always, for being a part of our super cool community!
I look forward to chatting with everyone online!
"If I and other teachers truly want to provoke our students to break through the limits of the conventional and the taken for granted, we ourselves have to experience breaks with what has been established in our own lives’; we have to keep arousing ourselves to begin again.” Maxie Greene (1917-2014)
© 2025 Created by Ryan Goble. Powered by