Making Curriculum Pop

October 11, 2018 WIR: Comic Gerrymandering, Edgar Allan Poe Animation, The Power of Play, Teen Brains & More #educhat fun!

Happy Thursday Educational Wizards!

This week, I'm feeling the Shakespeare & Math groups. In the former, you'll find lots of modern hot takes on the Bard. In the latter group you'll find lots of big questions re: the power of numbers to shape society - including a great comic explainer on gerrymandering from my fav. math PhD/ Comic artist Olivia Walch - follow her at @oliviawalch:

Of course, here is this week's WIR Tweet. Please RT to support the site and grow our membership!

Now, on to your Week in Review ...

in Elementary Educators
ARTICLE: Teaching Communication Skills to Elementary Students
LIST: 30 Children’s Books About Diversity That Celebrate Our Differences
ARTICLE: Seeing Struggling Math Learners as 'Sense Makers,' Not 'Mistake Makers'
ARTICLE: How to Cultivate Curiosity in the Classroom

in Math Educators!
ARTICLE: about John Urschel, mathematician and former pro football player
ARTICLE: How algorithms reproduce social and racial inequality
NEW BOOK: Uberland - How Algorithms are Rewriting the Rules of Work.
ARTICLE: Algorithms Could Create an Even Playing Field—if We Insist on It
NYTLN COLLECTION: STEM Articles of the Day
DATA: CEO pay ratios & graph
ARTICLE: Seeing Struggling Math Learners as 'Sense Makers,' Not 'Mistake Makers'
INFOGRAPHICS: Gerrymandering Gifs w/ 4-Panel Explainer!

in New Media & Technology
2-PART PBS DOC: “The Facebook Dilemma” + related articles
DATA: Jobs at All Levels Now Require Digital Literacy. Here's Proof
OP-ED: The case for breaking up Facebook and Instagram
COLLECTION: Over 22.5k pieces of confirmed Russian social media content in 54 account specific repositories
LOCAL NEWS: N.J. district declares "tech-free" days
BLOG: Here's the real danger that tech monopolies - like Google, Facebook and Amazon pose to our society
TED-ED VID: What's a Smartphone Made Of?

in Modern Languages & ELL
DOWNLOADS: Free World Language Posters!
ARTICLE: Making Student Assets Our Top Teaching Priority

in American Literature
TED-ED ANIMATION: What makes Edgar Allan Poe one of the greatest American authors?
MAPS: Wizards, Moomins and pirates - the magic and mystery of literary maps
IDEA: Teaching The #TheOpportunityAtlas w/ The American Dream
3-PART PBS DOC: Native America - First Peoples, Ancient Civilizations, Enduring Cultures

in Making Shakespeare Pop!
IDEA: The Mystery of "Imogen" from 'Much Ado'
FILM: New 'King Lear' w/ Emma Thompson & Anthony Hopkins
NEW: Richard III is Teenage Dick!
NEW PBS SEASON: Shakespeare Uncovered!

in Modern Languages & ELL
DOWNLOADS: Free World Language Posters!
ARTICLE: Making Student Assets Our Top Teaching Priority

in Post-Secondary Educators
PODCAST: Becoming a Better Researcher
NEW BOOK: Power of Play in Higher Education
LEGAL UPDATE: Student Borrowers And Advocates Win Court Case Against DeVos

In Learning Science /SEL
ARTICLE: Why Teens Should Understand Their Own Brains (And Why Their Teachers Should, Too!)
ARTICLE: How to Cultivate Curiosity in the Classroom

in Music
VIDEO ESSAY: What Makes John Bonham Such a Good Drummer?
VIDEO: Jimi Hendrix Plays the Delta Blues & Jams with His Blues Idols

in Librarians aka Media Specialists
ARTICLE: Refugee Stories Are Just the Beginning - How Fiction Opens Children’s Minds
TV: PBS' The Great American Read - “Who am I?”
RESOURCE: HiBooks is Like Netflix for Book Lovers

Have a great weekend!

Ryan R. Goble, Ed.D.


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