Making Curriculum Pop

WIR: A Visual Syllabus, Math Comics, revisiting Jamestown & more

Merry Friday #mcpop!

A few years ago, a group of math teachers in our district had the good fortune to meet and hang out with star comic creator and math Ph.D. Olivia Walch. Her work is fascinating, her webcomic is a blast, and she has been known to do quite a few math related comics. Consider following her whimsical twitter feed and picking up her new, mindset related comic "You Can Try Again" highlighted in our math group below. Olivia is not the only artist highlighted this week - wait until you see the visual syllabus of UCSF professor Nick Sousanis' in our comics group!

There is a lot of wild stuff to see here - I found the story of how some Shakespeare history was unearthed to be incredible and the, um, high interest article about the Jamestown Colony would make a tasty read for your history classes.

As usual, we have a tweet for this week's WIR. Please RT if you are so inclined and share this e-mail with your cool educator friends!

Read on world changers!

in Elementary Educators
ARTICLE: A Kindergarten Designed to Let Kids Be Kids
IDEAS: 50 Ways Schools Can Support Early Literacy
RESEARCH: Tear Down Your Behavior Chart!

in Math Educators!
COMIC: You Can Try Again #MathMindset
SERIES: If you're not using 'Dear Data'
in Science Teachers
SUMMER GIG: NASA Langley's GLOBE teacher interns

in New Media & Technology
STUDY: Social Media, Social Life: Teens Reveal Their Experiences (2018)

In PE, Health & Wellness
OP-ED: Two Professors on Why It's Time to End Football in High School
ARTICLE: Why You Should Be Wary of Prescription Drug Ads on TV

In Adolescent Literature
COLLECTION: Unbroken - 13 Stories Starring Disabled Teens

in Making Shakespeare Pop!
TOON: Instead of Shakespeare in the Park …
HISTORY: First Black Actor to Perform Shakespeare in England (1824)
DISCOVERY: Shakespeare dad's legal skirmishes shed light on bard's early years

In Middle School / Jr. High Group
TOON: Back-to-[Middle] School Blues
CASE STUDIES: How Making an Impact on the World Motivates Students
TOON: The Twelve-Year-Old Brain & Wi-FI

in Poets & Writers
RESOURCE: Writing Project Write/Learn/Lead Knowledge Base
ARTICLE: How to Make Students Care About Writing
REFLECTION: What Francis Ford Coppola Said To [Dracula] Screenwriter Jim Hart

in US Education Policy & Leadership
ARTICLE: How to Attract and Support Neurodiverse Talent
OP-ED: The #1 Factor That Determines A Toxic or Thriving School Culture (Opinion)
RESEARCH: Why Curiosity Matters
3 Questions to Promote Innovative Leadership in Education
FEATURE: TIME’s new cover: This is what it’s like to be a teacher in America

in Modern Languages & ELL
DOWNLOADS: Free World Language Posters!

in Sports & Literacy
INTERVIEW: Ngozi Ukazu On Hockey, Queer Romance, and Her New Graphic Novel

in Graphic Novels & Comics
LISTS: Diverse Graphic Novels
MODEL: My (visual) comics syllabi
REVIEW: ‘Hugman': A Little Red Man Made of Bricks
COMIC: Comics adaptation of “Birches” by Robert Frost

in American Literature
PBS SERIES: The Great American Read
VIDEO: The Raven via The Simpsons (Edgar Allen Poe)

in Sustainable/Green Education
INNOVATION? Microsoft sunk one of its data centers to the bottom of the ocean
EXHIBIT: Climate Signals Art Installation in NYC
TOOL: Hometown Climate Change Data Visualizer
SCALE: Measuring Climate Change Attitudes
ARTIST: Isaac Cordal Climate Change Art
STARTER KIT: Teach the UN's Sustainable Development Goals
GUIDANCE: BBC issues internal guidance on how to report climate change
RESEARCH: MIT Energy Initiative study reports on the future of nuclear energy

in US History
PODCAST: The House that Came in the Mail
⬆INTEREST READ: Starving Settlers in Jamestown Colony Resorted to Cannibalism

Have a brilliant weekend!



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