Elementary Teacher, MS / Junior High School Teacher, High School Teacher
What subjects do you teach / specialize in?
Assistive Technology / Language / Math / Science
School, business or institutional affiliation
Website, Blog, Wiki, Twitter, or Facebook URL(s)
What 5 essential pop culture artifacts (CDs, DVDs, Books, Images, Toys, etc.) would you have on your desert island?
anything from The Cure, access to boingboing.net, entire Dr. Who DVD/VHS set, Dr Seuss' original The Lorax, novel and film version of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
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Since you're an elementary educator you should consider joining the Elementary Ed group. You might also check out their discussion forum for resources!
At the top of the group there should be an little + sign similar to the one in the Middle School group (image below) that says "+Join Middle School Group." Easy stuff.
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You might also dig the Special Educators group!
Howdy Valia!
Great to have you here!
Since you're an elementary educator you should consider joining the Elementary Ed group. You might also check out their discussion forum for resources!
FWIW this is my fav early elementary post - Julia's ABC Song Finds Its First Images.
You might also consider joining some of the discipline specific groups that interest you like
the math, Science, World History, and Art and Visual Cultures groups.
At the top of the group there should be an little + sign similar to the one in the Middle School group (image below) that says "+Join Middle School Group." Easy stuff.