Making Curriculum Pop

Peter Gutierrez's Blog (3)

Graphic Novels, Movies, and Recap of Media Literacy at Comic Con

Just a quick potpourri here to let everyone know what I'm up to; I'm really heartened by all the graphic novel and film folks here -- as well as all the great resources that Ryan and others keep posting.

1. First, I have a new piece in Screen Education magazine that's for primary and middle level educators: "Using Genre as a Springboard: A New Approach to Critical Analysis." If you're unfamiliar with this magazine, it's absolutely amazing -- wish we had something like it in… Continue

Added by Peter Gutierrez on February 21, 2009 at 8:44am — 4 Comments

In One Week: The First-Ever "Graphica in Education" Conference at NY's Fordham University

If you're anywhere near the NY area and work with comics, graphic novels, manga, etc., this is the place to be next week... or perhaps just check out the Web site and follow up with me and others afterward to learn what it was like; if this conference fulfills even half of its promise I can't see why there wouldn't be one next year that many members of this Ning wouldn't want either to attend or present at...

Only recently have descriptions of all the workshops been posted, which may… Continue

Added by Peter Gutierrez on January 24, 2009 at 9:42am — 3 Comments

NEW YORK COMIC CON: The Ultimate Pop Culture Resource (Well, at least on the East Coast.)

Below is a description of the educator and librarian presentations at NYCC (Feb 6-8).

**Many are not aware that all educators are entitled to a professional pass. That means free admission on Friday (which features pro-only hours), access to a special pro line to get in, and $10 admission (!) for the rest of the weekend. You can register online ( or in person. And in addition to the workshops below, the entire con is a resource for those who teach or develop… Continue

Added by Peter Gutierrez on January 19, 2009 at 8:53pm — 9 Comments


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