Making Curriculum Pop

Is anyone else a massive fan of PRI/WBEZ's radio show "This American Life?" It has been running strong since 1995 and continues to be an American treasure.

This episode "Mr. Daisey and the Apple Factory" is excellent for those who are interested in teaching about globalization and/or discussing the stories behind our media, technology, economy, and lifestyle.  

You can stream the audio for free at the TAL website. You can also purchase any of their episodes at iTunes for $.99. I always recommend downloading the episodes you are using in the classroom. That way you don't have any streaming/connection issues when you're trying to play it for a class. Also, downloaded audio is way easier to cue to specific locations than streaming audio. Either way, their shows are always stunning.


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This is fascinating. I am also a fan of TAL, but haven't listened in quite some time. I love downloading the podcasts, and I can't wait to listen to this episode. Thanks!

My pleasure Mindi - you'll have to let me know if you liked it as much as I did. If you listen to this you might also check out this related Daily Show clip - 

China's Foxconn houses employees who work 35-hour shifts at 31 cents an hour, thereby saving American technology companies money.



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