When PBS canceled “Scientific American Frontiers” after 15 seasons in 2005, many fans mourned its loss, particularly its accessible approach to complicated material, which featured the host, Alan Alda, asking questions that nonscientists could understand while throwing in a bit of humor as well.
A successor attempt to engage a new, younger audience, “Wired Science,” failed to catch on, but now Mr. Alda has another chance to deploy his participatory brand of science journalism with the three-part program “The Human Spark.”
The show, being broadcast on consecutive Wednesdays on most public stations beginning Jan. 6, tackles a currently hot science topic: the fine line that separates humans from other species, from the Neanderthals to chimpanzees. Or as Mr. Alda summed it up over lunch at a restaurant on the Upper West Side of Manhattan: “How are we different from the other animals, how did we get that way, and where is it in the brain that these things have taken root?”
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