Making Curriculum Pop

I'm spending some extra time on African American culture and literature in Feb. for Black History Month.  I'm trying to tie in every genre and media including music.

I was wondering if anyone knew of some Hip Hop, R&B, Soul songs that give mention to or are reflective of the civil rights movement.  I'm already incorporating some popular music during the civil rights.



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HIding in this lesson as a resource is a great link to Ontario Coalition Against Poverty's "Song Lyrics, for activists and protests - This is a listing of song lyrics of inspiration, for protest and for activist on topics including poverty, environmentalism, racism, police brutality, greed and even landlords!"" target="_blank">

Thanks Lisa!
What's Really Going On (Strange Fruit) by Dwayne Wiggins...
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH there is such a wealth of information here, I can't wait to utilize this month and with other curriculum in the future.

Plus just got this link to an iTunes Black History Month Collection - pretty cool....
Wow, there are just so many. Apart from some of the fantastic choices that I seconded below, I would have to use "Hurricane" by Bob Dylan. If for no other reason because I think it is an atypical choice. I would probably look to throw in something from The Last Poets, one of the forerunners of rap.

We have a group of teachers who are looking to do a similar type of project.  I appreciate all of your posts, this was really helpful and I can share a ton of resources with them.  Thank you for posing the question Lindsay.



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