I am currently in the process of trying to create a Game Based Learning Committee at our school.
On Twitter, I've come across some amazing educators who are using commercially available gaming consoles in classrooms. Here are some blog sites along with their Twitter names:
It's quite big in Scotland, apparently, as you can see from this
website: http://www.ltscotland.org.uk/usingglowandict/gamesbasedlearning/ind...
I'm a special educator at an elementary school and I'm convinced many of our disengaged students (many of whom are boys) would appreciate game based learning activities.
Here's a blog I wrote about it (complete with a comic for your viewing enjoyment...)
http://bit.ly/aQpqYFMy goal is to bring the Wii into our school community...we don't own one yet! The Committee I hope to create it to brainstorm ways to a) obtain a console and b) introduce GBL to the school community. We are starting from scratch (and also have to overcome some reluctance ie: people who view games as complete time wasters).
if anyone out there has used gaming consoles in a GBL context, or has any input they can provide, I would love to connect with you!
I'm on Twitter as well: @JulieeJohnsonn
Julie Johnson
Special Education Resource Teacher, Ontario, Canada