A friend posted this classic video on FB with the note "Gangsta Rap" above it - cracked me up but also reminds us how timeless and cool a lot of media can be.
If anyone shows this to their Pre-School Kindergarden kid's to teach rhyming, you'll have to let us know how it goes over...
This is great. I REMEMBER this little sketch! Yeah, when it was on TV! I want to share it with my 4 kindergarten classes, but will have to rip it since youtube is blocked...always an issue. Thanks for sharing. I'm imagining getting the kindergarteners to make up their own rhymes for me on a little flip video. This might have to be a collaboration with their classroom teacher. Ideas are flowing!
Rachel - just be sure to tell us when you end up doing. If you drop a video of KG kids spinning rhymes we'll have to roll it out as a world premier here!
I showed this to my Kindergarten students last week. They loved it so much we had to watch it twice in all four classes. I was humming it all day. This week we are going to attempt doing some rhyming ourselves. If it turns out, I will post the video. Cross your fingers for me!