Making Curriculum Pop

I came across this incredible cover story at Harper's Magazine...
The content is for subscribers only so alas I'm posting the full PDF below for educational purposes only.

The article is loaded with interesting stats about people's trust of government and some very provocative ideas about the role of advertising in American life. The participating ad agencies storyboard four ideas for Superbowl ads.


It seems to me that this could help scaffold an AWESOME US History of Gov. project where students have to make commercials for government agencies. Additionally, you would not HAVE to do these ads in the present day. You could have students create ads for government agencies and institutions in different time periods. This type of project would be utilizing mad higher level thinking skills.

If anyone rolls with this idea - please let us know how it goes!


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Ryan, interestingly a couple of my seniors are doing some off-campus experiential learning - one of the projects is to do an ad campaign for the FBI. While I think the intent if for recruitment (rather than "selling" the products and services of the FBI to the American public who supports it) - a lot of market techniques would surely be the same.

That's cool - if you get a chance to read the stats in this article it is really interesting, as is the discussion. Hope you're doing well! RRG:)


I have it at home on my stack of good intentions. Doing great - just busy is all. Would love to catch up!
Yeah, good intentions - I think it is more like "reading dreams - lol" - Anytime!



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