Music help! I am hoping to have students select a song of their choosing and create a Civil Rights music video. Idea stolen from Johnathan Chase (I just friend requested you!). I want to do the same project, but I can't do anything illegal with music. My students also don't have iTunes on their computers. Does anyone know another site students can't get music (and music they will actually like) from? I need them to be able to put it into Windows Movie Maker. I will also have them request permission to use their song. Just need to get the music first!
that is a pretty good one....
also as long as they are not profiting off it, there is a clause in the copyright law that allows art/music to be used for educational purposes.
Here is a good source for all that:
We captured the song files from YouTube using this converter program...
I have been incorporating music in various learning activities and projects for two decades and have yet to be contacted with respect to copyright infringement. I am not an attorney and there is always a first case, but I would vigorously challenge any claim that our educational/artistic activity is illegal on the grounds of Fair Use.
Your students may want to check out some of our previous media projects for some inspiration and song ideas. In 2008 all my 8th graders worked in teams and completed a historic perspective video using the song "How Far We've Come". In 2009 teams selected their own song for a video that promotes positive change and pays tribute to people and movements that made a difference. In 2010 teams made decade videos that paid tribute to the memorable people, events, fads of the 2000's.
There is a link to each of these projects on my school web page...
Also check out this YouTube Channel where there are song-inspired PSA videos made by my 12th grade teams in our Participation In Government class....
Good luck with the project Karie and keep us updated on your progress
Youtube's Terms of Service Agreement says the following:
"You agree not to access Content through any technology or means other than the video playback pages of the Service itself, the Embeddable Player, or other explicitly authorized means YouTube may designate."
and elsewhere it says,
"You shall not download any Content unless you see a “download” or similar link displayed by YouTube on the Service for that Content."
I do not believe it is legal to copy videos using a converter program such as
Does "educational use," allow an exception to YouTube's Terms?
Two good videos on Fair Use...
...don't be afraid to flex your Fair Use muscles
These are the resources I use with my multimedia arts classes:
CCMixter Creative Commons Music
FreeSound Project
Royalty Free Music @ Incompetech
OPSOUND open source music
Moby Gratis Soundtrack Music
Thank you so much Ryan, Jonathan and Doug.
- Very helpful.
- Loved the second Youtube video, Jonathan.
I'll be sharing these with my fellow teachers.
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