Making Curriculum Pop

Recently, the subject of video games in the classroom has come up in one of my graduate courses.  No matter how much research I read, I just cannot come to terms with the idea of using video games in a classroom.  It seems so unrealistic, both time and money-wise.  The resources just don't seem to be there - at least, not in my corner of the world. 

I'm wondering if there are ANY teachers here who have used video games in the classroom, and if so, how??  I'm hoping someone can give me some good ideas so I can emerge from my shell of skepticism.



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Jenna have you checked out the Quest 2 Learn schools materials -  ?
Well, you can read this in my wikia when its done but essentially, if you want to include video games in an english classroom, than you don't absolutely have to have the console or the game itself if you don't have the money for it. People put up videos of these games all the time on youtube. If you want to include a game's story, just search for the cutscenes (movie-like moments in the game where the player has no control. complete story is told through a series of these scenes) I would recommend that you know the game's complete story before you present anything to the class but like i said, you don't even have to have the game system in the class room in order to use the material. I admit that it may not entirely have the same impact but its a way to include it without having to really pay a cent.
Thanks Rachel, I had no idea those things could be found on YouTube, what a great idea!



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