Making Curriculum Pop

A recent post of mine was on learning activities based on comic editors.

* Create a class comic book from individual class comic pages where kids use software or an online image editor to tell about themselves. 

* Write a book review or give feedback about an excursion using a comic template. Kids can draw favourite scenes as illustrations, or find CC licensed images that help illustrate what they want to say.

* Fracture a fairy tale and make a digital story of it. Creaza is particularly good for this as it has "worlds" of fairytale settings eg Billy Goats Gruff (at left) and Red Riding Hood.

* Use a comic template of four or six frames to describe the life cycle of something.

Read more ideas at The Book Chook.

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Another wonderful thing youngsters can do with comic strip generators is create daily comic strips about the things they learn or read or experience in school and in their personal lives. At there is an entire section brim full of examples of the  types of content that can be included in  such daily comics at:    Such comics can be generated by computer or drawn by hand. 

The act of creating such comics provides a fine way of helping students integrate what they are learning as well as to reflect on what they experience each day. Think of what could be experienced if a teacher set aside a space of time of 15 to 20 minutes each day for students to create a journal or portfolio of such comics.  Over the course of a school year the student will have assembled a fascinating portfolio of learning that she or he could take much pride in. 


Bill Zimmerman,

Bill, as always feel free to copy and paste this into the discussion forum solo as a freestanding disussion. If you add some screenshots and stuff it might even be blog and cog material but people need to know about your great work!  Susan - thanks as always for sharing such great stuff!



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