Making Curriculum Pop

QUESTION: Using the Video Game Consoles In the classroom--seeking support!

I am currently in the process of trying to create a Game Based Learning Committee at our school.

On Twitter, I've come across some amazing educators who are using commercially available gaming consoles in classrooms. Here are some blog sites along with their Twitter names:





It's quite big in Scotland, apparently, as you can see from this

I'm a special educator at an elementary school and I'm convinced many of our disengaged students (many of whom are boys) would appreciate game based learning activities. 

Here's a blog I wrote about it (complete with a comic for your viewing enjoyment...)

My goal is to bring the Wii into our school community...we don't own one yet! The Committee I hope to create it to brainstorm ways to a) obtain a console and b) introduce GBL to the school community. We are starting from scratch (and also have to overcome some reluctance ie: people who view games as complete time wasters).

if anyone out there has used gaming consoles in a GBL context, or has any input they can provide, I would love to connect with you!

I'm on Twitter as well: @JulieeJohnsonn

Julie Johnson
Special Education Resource Teacher, Ontario, Canada

Views: 20

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Hey Julie, have you reached out the NYC educators involved with this initiative?
ARTICLE: New York Launches Public School Curriculum Based on Playin...
Many many thanks for the link! Much appreciated. I'm happy to have all the back up documentation to show that I'm not the only 1 that thinks this is cool! Thx! Julie Johnson
Hi Julie -
Thanks for the links! Have you read James Paul Gee's What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy? That would be a great first book to read with your colleagues and think about how it would apply to your school.

I would also suggest you look at the work being done at University of Wisconsin - Madison in the Games Learning Society program. Constance Steinkuehler has worked with a similar sounding group of students with World of Warcraft and Kurt Squire has researched using the PC game Civilization in classrooms for years. (Neither of which are consoles, but they are a great place to start learning about research in this area.)

Good luck!
Many thanks for the links. I will look that book up pronto.

Since I last wrote this post, I have submitted a grant proposal re: obtaining a Wii and Mario Kart game and using it in a literacy & numeracy context.

Haven't heard back yet, but I've got my fingers crossed!

Thanks for the info!

Julie Johnson



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