Making Curriculum Pop

The Graphic Classroom recently posted a brief rationale for using comics to teach reading; I've made it free for all educators and librarians, so you can copy and distribute it--especially to those who may need convincing. ;-)

Toon Books has also made newly available a piece I did at the start of the year on read-aloud strategies. They took the copy, created a fresh design for it, and have made it a free PDF download. Again, my goal here is to share ideas, so please feel free to make copies and distribute.

And Toon also recently published a lesson plan that Sari Wilson and I developed. It's designed for the latest Geoffrey Hayes book, but it's really a generic lesson on creating a three-panel strip to tell a personal anecdote--kids can use Professor Garfield or any other comics-creation program... or just draw the old-fashioned way (the activity sheet comes with three panels they can draw directly into).
--oh, and from this page you can easily access all the other free lesson plans, which also focus on literacy skills for emergent readers.

There are probably some other resources or writings that I'm forgetting--sorry I've been gone from this group for so many months. Working on a big comics-in-the-classroom project for Pearson UK, and that has kept me pretty busy. Hope this finds everyone doing well.



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Dear Peter,
Hope you'll add to your free comics-creation list. It offers fun characters with different emotions to choose from, blank talk and thought balloons, story prompts as well as more than 100 printables.
Best wishes,
Bill Zimmerman
Hi Bill, It's not a list of mine--the publisher is working directly with Prof Garfield. But I'd love to learn more about MakeBeliefsComix... have been hearing really good things. Sent you a message a week or two ago--not sure if you got it.
Hi, Peter,
Just sent you a copy of ''Your Life in Comics'' and some information about MakeBeliefsComix -- should arrive in a day or two. Can you share with us more information about your classroom comics program with Pearson UK? Would love to know if there's a place there for MakeBeliefsComix.
Thanks for sending me those materials, Bill. But in terms of where your product might fit in terms of one of my clients or professional projects, please contact me directly--I don't think that's what these boards are meant for. Thanks.
Hey Peter, thanks so much for sharing stuff. As per usual - consider copying and pating the toon stuff in the Elementary Teachers group - they love your work. It has come up there multiple times!
Thanks so much for sharing.
I'm volunteering in my granddaughter's 3rd grade classroom (and having a ball). However, after 31 years mostly working in middle and senior high English I am scrambling to find resources. Your links gave me some good ideas, I'm very grateful.
Lots to be thankful for as Seth Godin reminded us today "for doing the work, work that matters."
Best regards,
Suzanne Lustie
Thanks, Suzanne. Your comments made my week.
Thanks for sharing these, Peter. The read-aloud strategies look really great. I will distribute and use myself...
The Geoffrey Hayes lesson plan was a wonderful experience for me to collaborate with you. As you say, it can be used stand-alone for practice with the basics of storytelling/constructing narratives...
Thanks, Sari--hoping we get a chance to work together again... let me know if something interesting comes your way where I might be able to help. :)
Sure thing, Peter...



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