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Interesting blog on education (with an emphasis on technology and teacher training) from the University of Michigan's MAC Program -

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Comment by Kelly Farrow on September 13, 2009 at 2:59pm
NCTE's National Day on Writing is coming up!

Writing is a daily practice for millions of Americans. But few notice how integral writing has become to daily life in the 21st century.

To draw attention to the remarkable variety of writing we engage in and help make writers from all walks of life aware of their craft, NCTE has established October 20, 2009, as the National Day on Writing.

To celebrate composition in all its forms, we are inviting diverse participants --students, teachers, parents, grandparents, service and industrial workers, managers, business owners, legislators, retirees, and many more -- to submit a piece of writing to the National Gallery of Writing.
Comment by Ryan Goble on September 3, 2009 at 3:05pm
Hey folks,

If you haven't joined the fledgling "Gaming Group" you might want to check it out. Today there was an, I think, "essential," article about Quest To Learn - a new video game based school in NYC. Frank Baker hipped me to the article.

Note: It is from the British version of The Economist so you'll read about "maths" and other such linguistic curiosities :)

An excerpt...
Periods of maths, science, history and so on are no more. Quest to Learn’s school day will, rather, be divided into four 90-minute blocks devoted to the study of “domains”. Such domains include Codeworlds (a combination of mathematics and English), Being, Space and Place (English and social studies), The Way Things Work (maths and science) and Sports for the Mind (game design and digital literacy). Each domain concludes with a two-week examination called a “Boss Level”—a common phrase in video-game parlance.
In one of the units of Being, Space and Place, for example, pupils take on the role of an ancient Spartan who has to assess Athenian strengths and recommend a course of action. In doing so, they learn bits of history, geography and public policy. In a unit of The Way Things Work, they try to inhabit the minds of scientists devising a pathway for a beam of light to reach a target. This lesson touches on maths, optics—and, the organisers hope, creative thinking and teamwork. Another Way-Things-Work unit asks pupils to imagine they are pyramid-builders in ancient Egypt. This means learning about maths and engineering, and something about the country’s religion and geography.
Full post here - I would love to hear what folks think about this school concept.

BTW - For the record - I'm awful at video games - even Pac-Man.
Comment by Ryan Goble on September 2, 2009 at 5:31pm
Hey Kel,

I think Google Earth rockstars are hard to come by - in fact I was hoping you would come talk to my classes about it this term. That being said, you might contact these folks at UVA who have done this incredible Google Maps Rome (through historical time periods) and ask if you could e-mail talk with an undergrad who does programming the the project?

The Rome Reborn Project:

The contact numbers:

For more information about the "Rome Reborn" Project, please contact:


Prof. Bernard Frischer, Director, (
Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities
Tel./USA: +1-434-243-4080
Cell/USA: +1-310-266-0183
Tel./Italy: +39-06-537-3951
Cell/Italy: +39-349-473-6590

Commercial matters

Joel Myers, CEO, (
Past Perfect Productions, Rome, Italy
Phone: +39-347-492-8547

Public relations

Jane Ford, (
University of Virginia
Phone: +1 434-924-4298
Fax: +1 434-924-0938
Comment by Kelly Farrow on September 2, 2009 at 10:55am
I wonder if anyone who's super awesome w/ Google Earth would be willing to spend some time w/ me on the phone to go over a few of the finer points as I improve a Lit Trip I've developed. It needs some work, and I'm finding that my expertise needs some serious polishing up. We can set up a time that works for both of us, and in return I'll give you full access to the Lit Trip! (It's on a book called The Daring Escape of Ellen Craft about an escape from slavery, good for about 2nd-4th grades.)
Comment by Ryan Goble on August 16, 2009 at 5:47pm
Check out the Best Buy grant opp. Helen added to the bottom of this post - it is targeted at the middle school set!
Comment by Ryan Goble on May 7, 2009 at 11:28pm
Eric Kursman posted a great set of Game Show PPT templates in the forum that folks might want to download/ check out/ use:

PowerPoint Meets Game Shows - Template Time!

If you like them be sure to thank the Kurs
Comment by Hilary Behrman on April 20, 2009 at 9:22am
This website has changed my entire curriculum. The free Mac Classroom is a website that has TONS of FREE, yes FREE!!! applications to download (some are for the PC also) click on the different topics on the top to see all the programs.

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