Making Curriculum Pop

Since last week's TTP conference, I have been wondering, aside from Sesame Street's model, how one could put video or media in the classroom in relation to math. I'm not a math whiz, but the only thing that came to mind immediately was the movie "Pi," which when I saw it got me thinking about how math plays a role in so much more than we realize -- including seashells -- which was a part of that film. It was a bit gruesome, though, as I recall, so perhaps not K-12 friendly.

Others could be Good Will Hunting? Vague references to math. A Beautiful Mind. Unfortunately, those seem to be more about psychological problems of math geniuses. What's that about?

Any other math media? What an opportunity -- to create a math-based media production.

In Googling mathematics in film, I found reference to a film called, Flatland the Film in this science festival listing.. Another film they mention on this site is "Cube."

So I guess there are options. Any others?

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Oh Diane do I have the wiki site for you!!!

On the pop resources Wiki there is a whole page dedicated to math and popular culture. There is actually quite a lot of cool stuff out there.




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