READ magazine is proud to announce a first-of-its-kind
social media theater production of William Shakespeare’s Much Ado A...For three days, starting at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, April 26, an updated version of Shakespeare's classic comedy will be presented on Facebook.* The story will unfold through status updates, comments, photos, and more. Teachers, students, parents, and Shakespeare fans everywhere can “like” all our character fan pages and participate as the play is performed live in their Facebook news feeds!
This exciting way to experience Shakespeare is a perfect opportunity to open up class discussions about cyberbullying and social aggression. Within the Much Ado plot, characters talk behind one another's backs and frame an innocent girl. Her reputation is damaged. The editors at READ have collaborated with the Ophelia Project to identify the aggressive behaviors within the play. You can learn more about how cyberbullying is addressed in our updated Much Ado by visiting our
Teacher Resources page.
Go to
www.weeklyreader.com/ado to “like”
READ magazine, the Ophelia Project, and all the characters in the play. Then, on April 26, 27, and 28, enjoy the performance.**
We hope to see you there!
All the best,
Bryon Cahill
Senior Editor, READ magazine
Weekly Reader
*You must have a Facebook profile to view the performance. An individual must be 13 years or older to have a Facebook profile. We suggest that students younger than age 13 watch the performance with their parents.
**If you are a teacher and your school currently blocks Facebook, you might request that the block be removed during the performance dates (April 26–28). If that is not possible, you and your students can still participate. The majority of the play will be performed in the evenings. The characters will be responding to fans' comments from time to time. Any inappropriate posts by Facebook audience members will be promptly deleted.