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LESSON PLAN: Allergies Acting Up? Dramatizing the Body's Responses to Allergens

Another great lesson plan from the New York Times Learning Network

March 10, 2010, 2:43 PM

Allergies Acting Up? Dramatizing the Body’s Responses to Allergens

Lesson Plans - The Learning NetworkLesson Plans - The Learning Network

Teaching ideas based on New York Times content.

Overview | How does the immune system react to allergens, causing allergy symptoms in some people? How can children, parents, doctors and communities respond to allergies, both mild to severe? In this lesson, students conduct a one-question interview to gather data on how much their classmates know about and are affected by allergies. Then, they work in groups to create a play to teach other, and others in the school community, about allergies, including how the immune system works in people with and without allergies.

Materials | Computers with Internet access, materials for props and costumes, research materials on allergies, the immune system and related topics

Warm-up | Individually or in pairs, have students use a One-Question Interview (PDF) format to complete a brief activity to assess the class’s knowledge and beliefs about allergies. Assign one of the questions below to each pair, or develop your own questions that suit your students and their background knowledge. Have pairs write their question on the top of the handout. Explain that as they move around the room to ask their question, their classmates will be doing the same. (Complete teacher directions for this activity are available here.)

Find the complete lesson plan here.

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Replies to This Discussion

I think that this is a great idea. I don't think that students really ever learn about allegeries and I don't think that most people understand them. I think that it is definetly a topic worth teaching about in more depth.



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