Making Curriculum Pop

At the Plimoth Plantation’s You Are the Historian website, students become history detectives as they investigate the first Thanksgiving. (Some historians think that “The First Thanksgiving” wasn’t really a thanksgiving. They call it “The 1621 Harvest Celebration” because it was more like a harvest festival.) On this website, students use clues to try to figure out what really happened at the 1621 harvest celebration. They are guided by Dancing Hawk, a Wampanoag whose ancestors were at the harvest celebration, and by Sarah, whose ancestor, Remember Allerton, was at the celebration too. If students don’t know the meaning of a word they encounter, they can use the online Glossary. Or if they want an expert opinion, they can go to Visit the Expert.

Click Here to Visit Website

Plus: Teacher’s Guide includes corresponding online activities for Historian Skills: separating fact from myth, identifying and analyzing primary sources, making educated guesses using cultural clues and considering multiple points of view. The Teacher’s Guide also includes a Historian’s Log with free, downloadable graphic organizers to further students’ online understanding and enhance offline work. The student activities are based on the Teaching for Understanding framework developed by educators at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Click Here to Access Free Teacher’s Guide

Plus: The History Channel offers information about the history of Thanksgiving, including videos and audio clips of interviews with Plimoth Plantation living history museum characters.

Click Here to Visit Website

Plus: What will you and your family be most thankful for on Thanksgiving Day? This Thanksgiving Day Thankfulness Venn Diagram Activity from PBS Parents compares the responses of children, parents, grandparents and other family members to see where there is common ground between multiple generations of family and friends and to see who is thankful for what during this holiday.

Click Here to Access Free Thankfulness Activity

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