Making Curriculum Pop

When I saw this on Real Time with Bill Maher, I couldn't believe how beautifully it fits with Crime and Punishment. The whole interview is interesting in a frightening sort of way, but the ideas expressed, especially around the 2:00 mark through about 6:00, may resonate with students. You could even end it sooner; Maher calls the Bible "a wicked book," which may not go over too well in more conservative settings...

I'm sure excerpts from Jeff Sharlet's book The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power would work, too. By the way, if anyone else is teaching C & P, especially for AP English Literature, I would appreciate any discussion ideas you would be willing to share!

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Wisdom, Great clip! Bill is always good for some thought provoking guests - "The Christian Mafia" - so many mafia, so little time, eh? I read the article in Harpers he wrote (and mentioned at the end of the interview "Jesus killed Mohammed:
The crusade for a Christian military") and it was very, humm, how shall we say, 1095. If you haven't read it I attached the PDF, perhaps it will be useful? I wish I could say I've read C&P - it is absolutely on the "to do" list - I have been to CPK - does that count?

In the meantime I can add some tech support. I can tell you if you want to share a YouTube video on the Ning you can always embed right in your post so we can watch it right here - to the right of every YouTube video is the URL and Embed codes - see where my "finger" is below

Just snag that embed code, paste it into your post and BOOM, video on demand.

Thanks for sharing, I hope we can find some more C&P folks out there to toss out more ideas.
Thanks for the tech tip! If you want to edit my post to show the video, go right ahead! And have your wife email me so we can get together for dinner; moving's tough work!
OK, I've got a possible link for you - even though I can't find it on US format DVD you should read the synopsis just for your entertainment...

"Crime or Punishment?!?"/(Tsumi toka batsu toka) - Japan 2008

Director Keralino Sandorovich returns to JAPAN CUTS with an insane black comedy full of Monty Python-esque absurdity. To avoid charges for unintentional shoplifting, Ayame, a clumsy and aspiring model, agrees to become a "Celebrity Police Chief" for a day. When she realizes that a junior detective in her precinct is her former lover and a psychopathic serial killer, she must choose between what's right and what's in her heart.

2008, 110 min., 35mm. Directed by Keralino Sandorovich. With Riko Narumi, Kento Nagayama and Sakura Ando.

Part of JAPAN CUTS: Festival of New Japanese Film, June 30 - July 12, 2009.





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