Making Curriculum Pop

May 2009 Blog Posts (16)

Do you know who Captain Queeg, Howard Beale, and Chauncey Gardner are?

Now, that I have your attention: this is an op-ed in the latest issue of The Christian Science Monitor, one of my favorite newspapers. The writer references "retrotalk" and "retroterms" and says today's TV talkers seem addicted to making cultural references that mean nothing to younger audiences.

Added by Frank W. Baker on May 26, 2009 at 8:00pm — No Comments

We Are Everywhere Youth Summit Animoto!

Hey Everybody!

The youth summit was a great success, and


my moving image contribution is an animoto video put together to commemorate the work accomplished there. is a great resource for creating slideshows with some style and finesse...check it out!

Lavie Raven

Added by Raven on May 26, 2009 at 1:12pm — No Comments

A Moment of Triumph, a moment of doubt

as I sent the acceptance email for our workshop at the allied media conference,

I felt a huge sense of accomplishment. I am taking steps to make this dream

come true. It’s just that the steps just seem so small, and the journey so far. I’m

not sure that this will happen for us. But I am committing to making it happen,

so it will be – I am the creator of my own destiny, right?

I had the students write “summer bucket lists” of things that they wanted to get… Continue

Added by Lauren Fardig on May 25, 2009 at 12:25am — No Comments

Reflection on Science and Film in a classroom at TTP 2009

As a fan of Science Fiction, in literature as well as on screen, my ears perked up when I heard that during TTP '09, there would be a science education section. I was curious to find out how film could be used in a science class and how students would learn from this type of teaching.

My curiosity paid off, Napoleon and Ryan's presentation on screening the film 6th Day in a science class,… Continue

Added by Caitlin Nagle on May 19, 2009 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Lavie Raven's Final Project: UHipHop Global Unit Plan and Associated Music

Peace all,

I am submitting this description for activating the UHipHop Global research project in my class last year, and student work from the unit this year. I have done this project with students for the last five years, and it blossomed from general overviews of hip-hop to studies of social movements to studying hip-hop and other community arts work as community development. The project involves students studying community arts, hip-hop, and how the two connect worldwide in… Continue

Added by Raven on May 11, 2009 at 11:22am — 4 Comments

Creative Music and Writing with Shakespeare - A Multiple Literacy Approach Utilizing Garage Band


This lesson plan was inspired by Dr. Kist’s presentation “New Literacies in Action.” His lecture was very animated and fun. It reminded me how much of a difference it makes to be aware of what the interest of students is and use that to keep them focused and engaged during the learning process. As I mentioned in my blog reflection, Kist’s book is full of inspirational examples, but I was particularly impressed with Peacock Middle School, where the music curriculum had the… Continue

Added by Yoonkyung Lee on May 7, 2009 at 3:00pm — 3 Comments

Final Project: Making Multidisciplinary Connections with Digital Video Narratives for a Web 2.0 Audience


The project reflected upon in this Ning Post provided a multidisciplinary learning opportunity for my students to collaborate with students in another country via short videos that each student produced and edited in my classroom. Our hopes are that the children in Darién, Panamá will be able to learn about the students in Connecticut and create a dialogue between the two Dariens using web 2.0 technologies.…


Added by Hilary Behrman on May 6, 2009 at 8:00pm — 2 Comments

The social significance of modern multi-media curricula: Towards construction of political awareness through global media schooling

For my final project for Teach, Think, Play III: The Moving Image in the Classroom, I created a paper entitled "The social significance of modern multi-media curricula: Towards construction of political awareness through global media schooling". I supplemented my written text with a new Discussion Forum under "Best Practices and High Quality Teaching" called "The Globalization of Education in the Digital Age". In… Continue

Added by Dina Paulson on May 5, 2009 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Comic Strips as a Teaching Tool

">Then and Now

">Homework 2.0

">Media Illiteracy

Project Description

For my project, I chose to create comic strips on the theme using the moving image in the classroom. Part of this motivation came from my students who use any spare moment in the class to peruse their Manga comics. I figured this was a great opportunity to… Continue

Added by Arshi Saeed on May 5, 2009 at 10:00pm — 7 Comments

Reading Between the Frames (new film literacy curriculum)

Reading Between The Frames is a new 16-page media/film literacy curriculum created by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences--the folks who give out the annual Oscar awards. The guide is available for download from the Academy's website. Portions of the guide are in Spanish.

Added by Frank W. Baker on May 5, 2009 at 5:55pm — No Comments

The Importance of Teaching about Moving Images in the Classroom

Today, the media plays a greater role than ever before in our daily lives. By incorporating moving images into the curriculum, educators can both make it more interesting and relevant for students and help them think critically about this influential, though often neglected, aspect of modernity.

Before we get into teaching moving images in the classroom, let’s talk about what kind of environment our kids experience nowadays, and what they can expect in the future. We live in a… Continue

Added by Jiyean Yoon on May 5, 2009 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

Reflection: Behind The Scenes in Kids TV

On April 4th Dr. Cherow- O'Leary and her panel of speakers addressed our class. Truely, before this conference segment I had no idea what went into producing children's media. I of course assumed that educators did play some role in the script writing. I never thought that lawyers, consultants, etc. were involved. The planning goes on til everyone agrees with each other.

The Sprout discussion also was intriguing (even Chica!). I like how their planning centers around the child. The… Continue

Added by Sean Owens on May 4, 2009 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment

Social Studies 2/3 Day Lesson Plan on the Civil Rights Movement for a 7th/8th Grade Class


After listening to Pam Goble’s presentation on “Building Historical Background Using Film,” I was inspired to find a short, historical film that children would enjoy watching as well as learn from. I researched and watched several short films on YouTube and ITunes, which helped me to discover the Disney film, Ruby Bridges. I chose a short clip from the beginning of the movie and decided to incorporate Media Circles while… Continue

Added by Cindy Peattie on May 4, 2009 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Reflection on Dr. Kist - New Literacies in Action

I am a Junior-high school music teacher, but also a first time mother with a 14 months old son. And this is why I listened to Dr. Kist's presentation with special interest: I wanted to not only grow and learn new ideas professionally as an educator, but also have awareness about a topic that perhaps might have the biggest impact on my son's education in the near-future.

Dr. Kist's presentation was great - he practiced what he preached very effectively. The exercises he had us go… Continue

Added by Yoonkyung Lee on May 3, 2009 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments

Media That Matters and Social Justice

One of the major highlights for me during the TTP weekend was the Media that Matters presentation. As school teachers, our aim in educating students is not simply for them to be better readers or to perform well on standardized tests, but rather to be democratic citizens who have a strong critical consciousness. Media that Matters showcases short films on important topics of the day that “engage diverse audiences and inspire them to take action.”

The films shown in class, ranging… Continue

Added by Arshi Saeed on May 3, 2009 at 5:54pm — 3 Comments

Reflection on Catherine Gourley's "Teaching Through Film: An Interdisciplinary Approach"

Gourley discussed the importance of using film in the classroom and why students should learn how to read moving images teaching me more about film along the way. I am thrilled and excited to be able to use her strategies in my future classes.

First, she mentioned the usefulness of employing appropriate film terminology, some of which I wasn’t familiar with. I thought that terms such as composition, pacing & continuity, cinematography, and soundtrack were only for professionals… Continue

Added by Jiyean Yoon on May 3, 2009 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment


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