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Support for dissertations


Support for dissertations

I directed 50 or more dissertations in psychology and education and I am ready to provide that expertise to anyone who needs help from the initial proposal to experimental design to data analysis to interpretation and the final report.

Location: New York City and the world.
Members: 22
Latest Activity: Sep 11, 2018

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PODCAST: Becoming a Better Researcher

Becoming a better researcher ... I had a great research #methods chat with Patrick White (Leicester Uni), about…Continue

Started by Ryan Goble Sep 11, 2018.

ARTICLE: The Amazing Adventures of the Comic-Book Dissertator

Good friend and MC POPPER Nick Sousanis has been getting a lot of love in the press the last…Continue

Started by Ryan Goble Mar 13, 2014.

Help narrowing my dissertation topic (NCLB) and focus... 3 Replies

I need help! I am having a lot of difficulty in trying to shape my dissertation into something more manageable. When I seek advice from my advisor and/or professors, I always receive conflicting…Continue

Started by Amie Ralston. Last reply by Amie Ralston Apr 7, 2011.

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Comment by Robert Zenhausern on October 11, 2010 at 2:23pm

Before we go any further, I need some clarification.

Does the dissertation have to involve quantitative empirical research or can it be more like an extended essay.

I can see your questions and ideas fitting well into the extended essay format, but I do not have a clear research design if you are doing an empirical study.
Comment by Ryan Goble on October 10, 2010 at 10:16pm
I wonder if you need to spend some time at the front end of any study to carefully define the AP's role in relation to the Principal. Or are you just going to talk with APs to ask them to define how they work in relationship to the principal/the rest of any given admin team?

Just wondering.
Comment by Stephanie Young on October 9, 2010 at 2:22pm
Excuse they typos :) Multi-tasking here :)
p.s. What I have found to be missing in my research is preparing teachers adequately for AP spots...I have found prep for APs to be Ps.
Comment by Stephanie Young on October 9, 2010 at 2:18pm
Dr Z,
Here is what I did for a research methods class:
Research Questions/Hypothesis
1. How can the role of the secondary assistant principal be inclusive of more instructional leadership?
2. What are the essential skills needed for success as a secondary assistant principal?
3. What responsibility, if any, does the principal have in improving the role and responsibilities of the secondary assistant principal?
4. Is there a correlation between an assistant principal’s skills/abilities and the actual tasks assigned to them?
H1: The assistant principals from the four major cities will have the same top five essential skills listed that are needed for success in their position.
H2: All assistant principals believe their principal has the most impact in improving their role in the school
For 1) I would hypothesized that the expected or percieved roles/ responsibilites do not match actual roles and responsibilities within a school year. I do like your question: Could you get current principals to reflect on their own experiences as AP and how it reflects on how they work with their own AP?
For 2) I guess that AA female is narrow, but I am noticing a trend that they are mainly placed in urban, low performing schools...still wrestling with it in my head :)
Comment by Robert Zenhausern on October 9, 2010 at 1:58pm
Just a few questions to get things moving.

1) Expected vs Actual roles. Suppose you had 100 AP and they reported what they expected to do and what they are actually doing. What hypotheses would you make? What would you measure? What would you expect to happen?

2) Females African American principals. What is the research question? Will you be allowed to do a dissertation which is purely demographic?

What research has been done on the actual role of the AP? What is missing? Suppose you asked a series of questions and developed a questionnaire that spoke to those questions: What is your role in the school? What did you expect your role to be? Are you involved in long term planning? What is your role vis a vis teachers and principals.

Could you get current principals to reflect on their own experiences as AP and how it reflects on how they work with their own AP?
Comment by Stephanie Young on October 9, 2010 at 12:46pm
Ok...I've been away for a while due to crazy schedule that I'm sure everyone else has had. Now looking at possible dissertation topics:
1. Expected Role of HS AP versus actual assigned or acquired responsibilities
2. The placement/hiring of female African American principals in southeastern states.

Please ask questions to help me dig deeper or chuck it all together.

Comment by Stephanie Young on March 23, 2010 at 11:28am
I continually reflect on my goals as they are different now than they were 5 years ago and my change again in another 5 yrs :)
As far as the conclusion - I'm looking at how the role, or better yet the position, of the AP is overlooked by many in the school system. Most, not all, are not a part of moving the school forward in achievement. When you look at the debate over accountability, it goes back and forth between the principal and the teachers. The AP may be an untapped element, caught in the middle, to help bridge admin and staff in collaborative teams. I have seen many dissertations and article re: preparing APs to be principals but what about supporting them as an AP to play a more integral part in the organization beyond planning fire drills, bus schedules (which has to be done also).
Comment by Robert Zenhausern on March 22, 2010 at 10:49pm
Lots of goals. What is it you would really like to do for 20 years until you blossom?

The title is the least of you concerns. What do you want the conclusion to be? If you can state that, just work backwards from there. It may be that you will not be able to make that conclusion, but it is a straight line from conclusion to interpretation to analysis to data collection to method to hypotheses to lit to title.
Comment by Stephanie Young on March 22, 2010 at 8:39pm
Career goals after degree: Book, consulting, PD provider, adjunct, principal, superintendent....decisions, decisions is right Dr. Z...whatever comes my way :)
I just met with my advisor on Friday and I may be able to do a mixed methods study that, of course, could extend beyond degree. I'm sticking with AP roles or perception of roles...still researching and working on title for proposal...should be able to post something by end of next week. :0
Comment by Pam Goble on March 12, 2010 at 10:19am
Qualitative...given your group....

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