I went to You Tube and learned about a teaching method called Power Teaching. Has anyone used it? What are your thoughts? And, for what grade did you use it?
It is great that you're out here and joining the discussion! Unfortunately, the way our Ning is set up - when you post in these open discussion forums people rarely get a chance to read your question. Consider posting this in the Elementary Ed Discussion forum (in side that group) that way all the members of that group will get an e-mail about your question + I can highlight it on crowdsource Tuesday.
Also you might consider adding a website or embedding the YouTube video you watched into your post as that will add clarity about power teaching.
I have used it, it is now called whole brain teaching. It is a wonderful tool. I went to an all day training, taught by Mr Chris Biffle. I used pieces of it with my high school biology class this past year. I used the score board DAILY and used the class rules and did the "TEACH", "OK SWITCH" with my students. This year I plan to use more of the techniques. It is also possible that I will be teaching a different grade level. If I were teaching a grade for which WBT has curricula set up, I would jump on it.
(I have been teaching for more than 15 years and Chris Biffle's training was THE BEST workshop I have attended in as many years. And he refuses to charge teachers for any of it...)