Making Curriculum Pop

Foreign Films for the Classroom (Non English)


Foreign Films for the Classroom (Non English)

Looking for foreign films that will make your curriculum pop? Come here to share ideas.

Members: 84
Latest Activity: Aug 16, 2018

Discussion Forum

Two Days in Paris

Started by Mike Gange Jun 29, 2010.

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Comment by Roberta Seret on November 3, 2011 at 1:21pm
Hi Ryan and group. My new book, World Affairs in Foreign Films, introduces a new multi-disciplinary pedagogy where a foreign film has the power to engage a teacher with students and impart 8 academic teaching disciplines: world history, geography, economics, government, world literature, film and media studies, critical thinking and Art. Students are visual learners and they feel comfortable in front of the screen. But film, as foreign film, is an Art form, and the teacher who uses film should go beyond the limits of what we usually use film for. Film can be used as a vehicle with unlimited power to give a complete picture of a country and its geo-political hotspot. Kids get engaged, stimulated and turned on. Learning this way can be fun!!!
Comment by Ryan Goble on November 3, 2011 at 12:35pm
Hi Roberta, I actually have your book in my "to read" pile. It is always cool to share this kind of stuff (see the sharingpolicy) but please consider telling us a bit more about the book sharing it up above us in the discussion forum. That way 1. Your info won't get buried on the wall AND 2. It will have a URL so I can share it with the entire membership in next week's week in review!

Congrats on the publication of your book and keep sharing cool things! Ryan:)
Comment by Roberta Seret on November 3, 2011 at 11:02am
Check out my new book about foreign films, World Affairs in Foreign Films (McFarland Publishers, 2011), This book is an outgrowth from my NGO's "Global Classroom Program" at the United Nations,
Comment by Petra Anders on October 21, 2011 at 10:52pm

You are all invited!

Guest Talk: Incredible Credits, with Matthis Kepser & Petra Anders

What should be important or interesting about the title sequence of a movie? With its eye on education, opening credits tell us a lot about the aesthetic and economic conditions of a film, ultimately leading to a manipulation of perception.

Comment by Ryan Goble on June 19, 2011 at 8:57pm

Jackie - I'm guessing folks will have a lot of great ideas but consider posting your question up above in the discussion forum that way It has a URL and I can send it out tot he whole membership - see

Comment by Jackie Nees on June 17, 2011 at 9:28am
Hi all! I'm looking for films that would be appropriate for elementary school age kids, in Spanish or French. It always seems that there are just a few scenes or words that make a film inappropriate! Any ideas?
Comment by Ryan Goble on March 15, 2010 at 4:35pm
I'll keep my eyes out for south american short films...
Comment by Jeana Rock on March 15, 2010 at 4:34pm
I do have a recommendation for a film you can view online. It is a short called 7:35 in the Morning. It is very quirky and has a surprise ending. It is Spanish, but Spain Spanish. You can view it here.
Comment by Jeana Rock on March 15, 2010 at 4:30pm
My problem with most South American films is that they are rated R. I can't even show a clip from an R-rated movie.
Comment by Ryan Goble on March 14, 2010 at 3:04pm
Alan, nice - if you see the film can you remember to post a mini-review?


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