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Graphic Novels & Comics


Graphic Novels & Comics

For people interested in discussing comics in the classroom!

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MC POPPERS that are comic artists, writers, webhosters or bloggers...
• Stergios Botzakis blogs at
• Jessica Abel is an author, artist and teacher. Her website links you out two her many great graphic novels available at Amazon.
• Marek Bennett author of Nicaragua Travel Journal and creator of the Comics International Ning.
blogs and shares resources at
• James Bucky Carter author of Building Literacy Connections with Graphic Novels: Page by Page, Panel by Panel blogs at
Peter Gutierrez blogs on comics and other media at Connect the Pop for School Library Journal

• Jay Hosler, is a biology professor and author/artist whose books on Evolution (The Sandwalk Adventures and Evolution: The Story of Life on Earth) also shares his work-in- progress at his blog
• Matt Madden is an author, artist and teacher whose books include 99 Ways to Tell A Story: Exercises in Style and Drawing Words & Writing Pictures (with Jessica Abel). He also blogs at
Katie Monnin author of Teaching Graphic Novels blogs at

• Jim Ottaviani is a librarian and author of many science themed graphic novels through his Ann Arbor based imprint GT Labs.  Heck, Jim is so cool he has a wiki page.
• Hyeondo Park is a manga artist whose work can be found at His illustrations include Wiley adaptations of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar & Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Nick Sousanis is a comic artist whose fascinating philosophical comics about education are collected at
• Award-winning artist, illustrator and teacher Gene Yang is the author of many graphic novels including American Born Chinese, The Eternal Smile & Prime Baby. His personal website is You can also read about his webcomics for Algebra Students here.
• Maureen Bakis has a book about teaching graphic novels coming soon through Corwin and blogs/shares resources at her Ning

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Comment by Ryan Goble on November 18, 2011 at 9:40pm

Hey Jay - thanks for sharing that list.  Don't be afraid to put stuff like that up in the discussion forum!  That way it is archived and have a dedicated url we can share in the week in review!  Ry:)

Comment by Marcy Prager on November 18, 2011 at 12:04pm

Thank you for sharing this list, Jay!

Comment by Jay Hosler on November 18, 2011 at 9:55am

One of my editors sent me the Texas Library Association list of recommended graphic novels for 2012 (Maverick Graphic Novel List). There are a lot of terrific books on the list. Make sure you go all they way to the last page where you can find Vietnamerica by GB TRan. It is one of my recent favorites.

Comment by Marcy Prager on November 8, 2011 at 10:04pm

    I thing your ideas are great!  I just finished reading how the use of dialogue can spice up non-fiction pieces of writing as well.  I just retired in June, but from December to April, I will be taking over for an ESL teacher.  Using and writing mini-graphic novels, as I call them, is a great way for students to show factual information! 

Comment by Ryan Goble on November 8, 2011 at 8:51pm

Steven, consider adding some more details to your post and putting it up above as a crowdsource question - that way your question won't get buried on the wall, you'll have a discussion thread AND it can be shared with a URL with everyone in the next CS broadcasT!

Comment by steven houseman on November 8, 2011 at 7:39pm

I am thinking about doing a mini-lesson with My thought process is that my 8th grade students could use an alternative approach to learning how to use dialogue in their narratives. Also, there is a voice option that let's you hear how someone might read your words. My urban kids and ESL students might benefit from hearing how someone might read their writing. I am hoping it would improve grammar and punctuation. Thoughts?

Comment by steven houseman on November 8, 2011 at 7:36pm

Molly, what grade are you thinking of using Tintin for?

Comment by Tony O'seland on October 22, 2011 at 9:29am
@Jeff: I understand your comment about reading some of the fonts used in comics.  I teach quite a few ESL students and if the words are not in a readily recognized font, and a pretty vanilla one, they are even more confused.  When I have them design their own comics the words are almost always Times New Roman or Arial because they can "see" those and comprehend them.
Comment by Ryan Goble on October 21, 2011 at 7:41pm
Molly, that is great discussion topic! Perhaps paste it up above in the discussion forum so it does not get buried here on the wall AND so it can be shared with a URL in the Week in Review!
Comment by Molly Landholt on October 21, 2011 at 6:25pm
Random thought for the day: I think the upcoming film on Tintin is an excellent occasion for which to study The Adventures of Tintin in our classrooms! What may incite particularly interesting conversations would be to point out that a representative from the Congo requested that Tintin in the Congo .... I am currently writing up an article comparing this strange switch: the sudden rise in popularity of the series in America, and the sudden critical eye that Europe has developed for it. The occasion is all the more eerie for the sudden downfall of Asterix in France, as well.

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