Making Curriculum Pop

Graphic Novels & Comics


Graphic Novels & Comics

For people interested in discussing comics in the classroom!

Members: 417
Latest Activity: Dec 28, 2019

Comics Creation Software Comic LifeKerpoof • Comicssketch • Comics Lab/ ExtremePikiStrips • ToondooBubblr • Comiqs • My Comic Book CreatorBitStripsReadWriteThink's Comic CreatorMake Beliefs ComixMyths & Legends Story CreatorCartoonistPixtonChogger

MC POPPERS that are comic artists, writers, webhosters or bloggers...
• Stergios Botzakis blogs at
• Jessica Abel is an author, artist and teacher. Her website links you out two her many great graphic novels available at Amazon.
• Marek Bennett author of Nicaragua Travel Journal and creator of the Comics International Ning.
blogs and shares resources at
• James Bucky Carter author of Building Literacy Connections with Graphic Novels: Page by Page, Panel by Panel blogs at
Peter Gutierrez blogs on comics and other media at Connect the Pop for School Library Journal

• Jay Hosler, is a biology professor and author/artist whose books on Evolution (The Sandwalk Adventures and Evolution: The Story of Life on Earth) also shares his work-in- progress at his blog
• Matt Madden is an author, artist and teacher whose books include 99 Ways to Tell A Story: Exercises in Style and Drawing Words & Writing Pictures (with Jessica Abel). He also blogs at
Katie Monnin author of Teaching Graphic Novels blogs at

• Jim Ottaviani is a librarian and author of many science themed graphic novels through his Ann Arbor based imprint GT Labs.  Heck, Jim is so cool he has a wiki page.
• Hyeondo Park is a manga artist whose work can be found at His illustrations include Wiley adaptations of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar & Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Nick Sousanis is a comic artist whose fascinating philosophical comics about education are collected at
• Award-winning artist, illustrator and teacher Gene Yang is the author of many graphic novels including American Born Chinese, The Eternal Smile & Prime Baby. His personal website is You can also read about his webcomics for Algebra Students here.
• Maureen Bakis has a book about teaching graphic novels coming soon through Corwin and blogs/shares resources at her Ning

Comment Wall


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Comment by Ryan Goble on May 6, 2010 at 7:48am
Hey Cary, if you post your question up above as a crowdsource ?

I can broadcast it next Tuesday - it just needs a url that I can direct people to it. Wall comments tend to get lost/buried over time and you can't link directly to them - just to the group. Soooo if you post it we can get the message out to a larger audience by broadcasting your question!

Hopefully we can collectively help you out with this!

Comment by Peter Gutierrez on May 3, 2010 at 12:15pm
Thanks, Ryan! Trying to do a bunch of pieces in GNR's "reference" section that highlight great p.d. resources for teachers. First up is a review of Terry Thompson's "Adventures in Graphica" -- one of the must-read books in the field, esp at elementary:
Comment by Ryan Goble on May 3, 2010 at 11:51am
NOTE TO ALL - In addition to adding Susan's comic creation sites above I also added Peter's great articles/ blogs for Graphic Novel Reporter above - do check his other writing out if you get a chance..érrez
Comment by Ryan Goble on May 3, 2010 at 7:40am
Susan, thanks for those addl. comics creation tools - I posted them above - we will have the most complete collection of comic creation tools on the web pretty soon! Thanks!!!
Comment by Susan Stephenson, the Book Chook on May 1, 2010 at 11:17pm
I thought you all might be interested in this trailer for a documentary about Comic Book Literacy. They don't have a distributor for the film yet, but it sounds interesting.
Comment by Susan Stephenson, the Book Chook on April 30, 2010 at 6:31am
Here's another cartoon creator I saw today - Chogger. And I also finally remembered Pixton.
Comment by Ryan Goble on April 26, 2010 at 3:57pm
Hy Joe - thanks for sharing that resource!!!

Comment by Jo Wheeler on April 26, 2010 at 3:56pm

Teaching resource packs that compliment our Classic and Shakepeare graphic novels.
Hopefully I've posted this in the right place Ryan?
Comment by Ryan Goble on March 10, 2010 at 9:33am
Susan - thank you so much for the additional resources!

Professor Garfield is "Comics Lab" above - however, I added the EXTREME version. I added Cartoonist + Myths & Legends Story Creator i

Most of the Comiqs site looks like it may have been abandoned but I did change the URL. I suppose we can keep our eye on that tool. I also added a better link for bubblr.

Thanks again for helping us develop this resource list!

Comment by Susan Stephenson, the Book Chook on March 9, 2010 at 6:55pm
Links not working for me: Bubblr, Comiqs.

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