Making Curriculum Pop

American Literature


American Literature

For teachers of American Lit who want to MC Pop! FYI: it is a still from the film adaptation of the Secret Life of Bees - that film is extra pop because it features singer/actors Alicia Keys, Queen Latifah and Jennifer Hudson!

Members: 297
Latest Activity: Feb 9

Here are links to text/author resources from discussions forums thus far:

• Bradbury, Ray - Fahrenheit 451 1, 2
Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Scarlet Letter 1, 2
• Lee, Harper - To Kill A Mockingbird 1, 2
• Miller, Arthur - The Crucible 1, Death of A Salesman 1
• Poe, Edgar Allan - General Resources 1
• Salinger, J.D. - Cather in the Rye 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
• Steinbeck, John - Of Mice and Men1
• Twain, Mark - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer
• Vonnegut, Kurt - "Little Drops of Water" 1

Comment Wall


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Comment by Ryan Goble on July 14, 2012 at 9:58am

Matt - no biggie man - I've been a bit off line as I've been recovering from a surgery - it would be more obvious if I had been broadcasting. Thanks for posting up!!  RRG:)

Comment by Matt Schade on July 14, 2012 at 9:56am

Thanks for the tip, Ryan. I'm obviously new at this...

Comment by Ryan Goble on July 14, 2012 at 8:45am

Hi Matt! This is a great question. Unfortunately, big questions on the comment wall are not easy for folks to respond to and get buried over time.

Would you consider moving this question above us to the discussion forum? When you post your ? above your "affinity group" peeps can give you feedback. Because forum ?s have URLs it will be in there for the next person with a similar ? AND I can broadcast the question to the whole Ning on crowdsource Tuesday.

Thanks for getting in the mix - as always - please share more cool ?'s and ideas!


Comment by Matt Schade on July 13, 2012 at 10:17pm

I'm currently developing some strategies for incorporating more non-print sources (film, TV, photography, music, etc.) into my curriculum for the upcoming school year. One canonical text I teach is Of Mice and Men, and I have to admit I'm struggling to find compelling non-print sources to use to highlight the novel's themes. Any suggestions? I'm open to anything!


Comment by Ryan Goble on April 20, 2012 at 11:57pm

Hi Everyone - we have so many English groups here it can get crazy - a new member posted a HUCK Finn Crowdsource ? in this HS English Teachers Rock group - rather than be nutzo and be like "hey - new person - post here!" I thought I'd just let you know the related question is brewing in the HS teachers group. If you have ideas please respond to 'QUESTION: Making Huck Finn Pop

Comment by Flocabulary on October 7, 2011 at 1:48pm

We've continued our literary terms weekly series with personification, hyperbole, and the most recent one: Allusion

This lesson includes many classroom-appropriate examples of allusion from hip-hop.

Comment by Flocabulary on September 14, 2011 at 10:41am

Do you teach literary terms, figurative language or rhetorical devices? Each Wednesday, we will bring you one literary term with fun examples from hip-hop, literature and history. Share examples your students create and we'll add them to the blog 

Today, we begin with alliteration. Next week, we'll bring you greatest hyperbole examples ever.

Comment by Frank W. Baker on August 27, 2011 at 10:03am

Regarding "The Grapes of Wrath"-- Steinbeck reportedly wrote the novel after seeing Dorothea Lange's famous "Migrant Mother" photograph.  You might wish to explore this period in American history (and literature) by considering this recently produced documentary on the photographers of the FSA time period:

Comment by Ryan Goble on April 11, 2011 at 9:39am
Hi Melissa! That looks like a great resource. Please consider moving your wall post up above us - into the discussion forum - BECAUSE (drum roll) that way your question has a URL and a "reply feature."

Unfortunately, big ideas and resources on the comment wall (here) are not easy to respond to and get buried over time.

Plus when you post a resource in a special interest group discussion forum - they then have URLs it will be archived AND I can broadcast the question to the whole Ning for the Week in Review!

You don't have to do this but it is an awesome way to make sure future visitors to the group can benefit from your awesome ideas!
Comment by Melissa LynnPomerantz on April 11, 2011 at 9:29am

I was listening to "On Being" this weekend and heard this piece about technology and the examined life.  Thought it might be an interesting link with Thoreau.


On Being: Alive Enough? Sherry Terkle


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