Making Curriculum Pop

American Literature


American Literature

For teachers of American Lit who want to MC Pop! FYI: it is a still from the film adaptation of the Secret Life of Bees - that film is extra pop because it features singer/actors Alicia Keys, Queen Latifah and Jennifer Hudson!

Members: 297
Latest Activity: Feb 9

Here are links to text/author resources from discussions forums thus far:

• Bradbury, Ray - Fahrenheit 451 1, 2
Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Scarlet Letter 1, 2
• Lee, Harper - To Kill A Mockingbird 1, 2
• Miller, Arthur - The Crucible 1, Death of A Salesman 1
• Poe, Edgar Allan - General Resources 1
• Salinger, J.D. - Cather in the Rye 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
• Steinbeck, John - Of Mice and Men1
• Twain, Mark - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer
• Vonnegut, Kurt - "Little Drops of Water" 1

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Comment by Ryan Goble on September 3, 2009 at 3:36pm
Also an article/post on the end of "Reading Rainbow" in Teach with Moving Images sure to sadden all the English teachers out there...
Comment by Ryan Goble on September 3, 2009 at 3:08pm
Hey folks,

If you haven't joined the fledgling "Gaming Group" you might want to check it out. Today there was an, I think, "essential," article about Quest To Learn - a new video game based school in NYC. Frank Baker hipped me to the article.

Note: It is from the British version of The Economist so you'll read about "maths" and other such linguistic curiosities :)

An excerpt...
Periods of maths, science, history and so on are no more. Quest to Learn’s school day will, rather, be divided into four 90-minute blocks devoted to the study of “domains”. Such domains include Codeworlds (a combination of mathematics and English), Being, Space and Place (English and social studies), The Way Things Work (maths and science) and Sports for the Mind (game design and digital literacy). Each domain concludes with a two-week examination called a “Boss Level”—a common phrase in video-game parlance.

In one of the units of Being, Space and Place, for example, pupils take on the role of an ancient Spartan who has to assess Athenian strengths and recommend a course of action. In doing so, they learn bits of history, geography and public policy. In a unit of The Way Things Work, they try to inhabit the minds of scientists devising a pathway for a beam of light to reach a target. This lesson touches on maths, optics—and, the organisers hope, creative thinking and teamwork. Another Way-Things-Work unit asks pupils to imagine they are pyramid-builders in ancient Egypt. This means learning about maths and engineering, and something about the country’s religion and geography.
Full post here - I would love to hear what folks think about this school concept.

BTW - For the record - I'm awful at video games - even Pac-Man.
Comment by Ryan Goble on September 2, 2009 at 4:30pm
Yeah, I'm back commenting again. A lot of you are probably already members of the "Making Shakespeare Pop!" group - if you dig the Bard and you're interested in his relation to popular and contemporary culture you might consider joining that group.

Today I did a pretty cool post with the front page of yesterday's Chicago Tribune. The headline was about our our brilliant and extremely literate ex-governor here in Illinois Rod Blagojevich. Not only does the man have cool hair, but he has a Shakespearian vision of himself.

In the post you'll find a bundle of Shakespeare allusions plus info on how to get jpegs of newspaper front pages.

Check it out, comment, join - at the very least this post will give you (esp. if you teach English) a good laugh.

Full post here
Comment by Ryan Goble on September 2, 2009 at 3:41pm
Howdy American Lit Folks,

I know a lot of you teach with film and are very interested in finding cool (and short) non-fiction film. Today I posted a cool forum post in Teach with Moving Images on a FREE DVD from the AFT that deals with Student Activism Around The World - from Alabama to Burma - it is totally cool and at the top of that group's discussion forum.

If your interested in this kind of media please do take a hot minute to check out that post and join the Teach with Moving Images Group!

As Always - Good Vibes,

Comment by Ryan Goble on August 25, 2009 at 4:52pm
If you're not in the graphic novels and comics group you might want to check out this post with a link to a comic on Multiple Intelligences.
Comment by Ryan Goble on August 20, 2009 at 7:42am
If you rock Shakespeare - a post went out today in the Shakespeare group that needs your awesome ideas - check out Ideas on making "Julius Caesar" POP?
Comment by Ryan Goble on August 18, 2009 at 2:46pm
If you're not in the poetry people group but teach poetry be sure to join and check out Patsy Smith's Ninja poetry video post.
Comment by Ryan Goble on July 29, 2009 at 1:55pm
If you're also into poetry and you're not a member of Poetry People, you should
a. Consider joining the poetry group and
b. Check out this post: VIDEO: Sarah Palin, William Shatner, Conan & Poetry?


Comment by Ron Kavanaugh on July 26, 2009 at 7:10am
Hey all

I'm Ron Kavanaugh, publisher and reluctant editor of Mosaic Literary Magazine. Mosaic,, is a quarterly print publication that showcases the literary arts by writers of African descent. Mosaic has been in existence for 11 years, and recently started to develop lesson plans for secondary school educators.

The lesson plans are free to download at and focus on helping educators present creative ways for keeping books and reading valuable sources of knowledge and creativity. I welcome your feedback.

And mark your calendar for our annual Mosaic Literary Conference tentatively scheduled for Saturday, November 7.

Ron Kavanaugh
Comment by Ryan Goble on July 12, 2009 at 10:00am
If you're not a member of the Graphic Novels and Comics group consider joining as you'll be hipped to postings like this one loaded with Graphic Novel resources and lists: COMIC/ARTICLE: NEA on Graphic Novels & Resources

Members (294)



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